Monday, 5 December 2011

Major website update :

I have been relatively busy and finally managed to update my food photography website .
It has undergone a major graphical update with an improved, faster navigation. Since the internet has become so much faster, I am now able to combine more information into one page, making it easier for my visitors to understand what I can deliver.
I also kept most of the old features, since I believe that the amount of information presented on my website shows a lot of experience (much more than just having a slideshow of 20 images on the index page).
Almost every page has also been updated with more written information, and I also share more food and general photography tips, since I am getting a lot of inquiries from companies, who do not understand the procedures and pricing of professional photography.
The site also has some new content pages, e.g. the Touch eMenu and also new restaurant images, supermarket food features, panoramic images, advertising images and virtual tours.
Lots more updates will be coming soon.
I am also starting using google+, its on the first page on my website, you are all invited!
Please let me know of what you think about my new design :-)